Everyone is welcome to come worship with us!

- Music
- Reading scripture
- A children’s story
- A sermon
- An opportunity to share joys and concerns with the congregation
During the service we offer children’s church (3-10 years old) and nursery care (newborn to 2 years old) for children. During Sunday School nursery care is also available and there is an infant nursery for nursing mothers where they can care for their babies and still experience Worship Service.
Parking is available on three sides of the church building.
An overhang is available on the north side at the main entrance for persons to be dropped off in inclement weather or for easier access to the sanctuary. From the main entrance, you can either enter by stairs or the ramp, which is wheelchair accessible.
When you arrive, if you have questions about Sunday School, childcare, worship, or the church, let the greeter at the entrance know. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and point you in the right direction!
Additional Questions:
(Please fill out the form below and someone will get back with you shortly)